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संस्कृतवीथी - The Online Space for learning Sanskrit!!

We enter into SamskritaVeethy chanting the above verses which is the salutation given to The Divine Couple Parvati and Parameshvara by Mahakavi Kalidasa in his poetic work Raghuvamsa. Click the above Sloka to hear the recitation!!

"I salute Parvathi and Parameshvara, the parents of the Universe who are bound inseparable like a word and its meaning for us to attain the right knowledge of the words and their meanings."

May Their Divine Grace guide us in our journey of learning Sanskrit!!!

Samskritam or Sanskrit is one of the ancient languages. Rich in literature, Sanskrit enjoys the state of being a classical language. Sanskrit is traditionally known as Girvani or Deva Basha (The speech of Gods) and it is a language used in rituals. Until recently, the use of Sanskrit was limited to the spheres of Religion, Philosophy and Literature. It was considered as the language of Scholars and Elites. The practice of reciting Vedic mantras is spreading worldwide and the number of people who want to learn and master Samskritam is currently on upward trend. Samskritam as a spoken language is gaining popularity and Sanskrit is taught world wide in Universities and Schools.

Samskrita Veethy is the right place for those who want to learn Sanskrit online from scratch. The modules and lesson start from teaching how to write and read the alphabets. Starting from the rudiments, the course is designed to guide the student to reach a level of comprehensive knowledge.

The modules are designed and arranged in a way to suit any learning pattern and need. Practice exercises and blog discussions cement the learning happened and cherish the interest and involvement in the language. Learners and experts are encouraged to post their views on lessons as comments.

Choose the level, module and lesson to get on to learn Sanskrit!!!

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