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संस्कृतवीथी - सरलं संस्कृतपठनम् !

Entry Level – Module 1 Sanskrit Alphabet - Lesson 11 - Sanskrit Words - Noun Forms

प्रावेशिकः स्तरः - प्रथम-विभागः – वर्णमाला - एकादशः पाठः - संस्कृतनामपदानि

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Well, we are now familiar with reading and writing, vowels, consonants and compound letters of Sanskrit language. Let us now learn how letters make words. The Sanskrit name for word is Padam o पदम् and the plural is Padani पदानि. Panini the author of Sanskrit grammar text “Ashtadyayi” defines word or पदम् as “Supthingantham Padam or सुप्तिङन्तं पदम्”!

A group of letters ending in a सुप् प्रत्यय: or a तिङ् प्रत्यय: is called a पदम् (Word). This means a word is either in noun form or in verb form. A Noun form is called Subantham सुबन्तपदम् or नामपदम् and a verb form is known as Thigantham तिङन्तपदम् or क्रियापदम्. In this lesson we learn the basic noun forms. We will be learning in detail about noun forms and verb forms in the next module. This lesson focuses on the genders attached to the nouns.


The uniqueness of Sanskrit language is each noun is associated to a Gender Masculine पुल्लिङ्गः, Feminine स्त्रीलिङ्गः or Neuter नपुंसकलिङ्गः. The genders are assigned to the words based on the way they are formed abiding to grammar rules. Hence the association of genders is to the words and not to the persons or objects.

It is necessary to learn the gender when we learn a noun. In this lesson we use pronoun forms अयम्, इयम and इदम् to indicate the gender of the word. These pronouns are used to indicate an object which is near and visible to us.

अयम् or अयं   -   Masculine Noun     पुल्लिङ्गः
इयम or इयं   -   Feminine Noun     स्त्रीलिङ्गः
इदम् or इदं   –   Neuter Noun     नपुंसकलिङ्गः

We have three tables showing Sanskrit words in three genders for some commonly known persons, animals or objects. The names are given with the respective pronouns which indicates their genders. The sentence अयं बालकः is used in the sense “This is a boy”. At the same time the pronoun अयं indicates बालकः is Masculine, पुल्लिङ्गः. In the same way, pronouns इयं and इदं used in इयं बालिका and इदं फलम् indicate the words are respectively of feminine and neuter gender. Tips for identifying the gender from the noun forms are also given as notes.

Masculine Nouns - पुल्लिङ्ग-नामपदानि

अयं बालकः

अयं सिंहः

अयं गजः

अयं अश्वः

अयं कुक्कुरः

अयं बिडालः

अय् मयूरः

अयं वृक्षः

अयं घटः

अयं छात्रः

अयं चषकः

अयं अध्यापकः

अयं वानरः

अयं भिक्षुकः

अयं भल्लूकः

अयं शुकः

अयं मीनः

अयं हरिणः
  • Words ending with अः are generally masculine. The noun forms listed in the above table are classified as Masculine nouns ending with अ अकारान्ताः पुल्लिङ्गशब्दाः.
Feminine Nouns - स्त्रीलिङ्ग-नामपदानि

इयं बालिका

इयं माला

इयं लता

इयं मक्षिका

इयं पेटिका

इयं पिपीलिका

इयं छात्रा

इयं पाठशाला

इयं अध्यापिका

इयं कलिका

इयं पत्रिका

इयं शाटिका

इयमं अङ्कनी

इयं लेखनी

इयं नदी

इयं दर्वी

इयं घटी

इयं कर्तरी
  • Words ending in आ and ई are generally feminine. In the above table we find Feminine nouns ending with आ, आकारान्ताः स्त्रीलिङ्गशब्दाः and words ending with ई, ईकारान्ताः स्त्रीलिङ्गशब्दाः.
Neuter Nouns - नपुंसकलिङ्ग-नामपदानिि

इदं फलम्

इदं पुष्पम्

इदं पर्णम्

इदं पुस्तकम्

इदं छत्रम्

इदं गृहम्

इदं नेत्रम्

इदं दुग्धम्

इदम् उपनेत्रम्

इदं लोकयानम्

इदं रेलयानम्

इदं विमानम्

इदं वातयानम्

इदं क्रीडानकम्

इदं मन्दिरम्

इदं भवनम्

इदं सोपानम्

इदम् उद्यानम्
  • Words ending in अं generally fall under neuter gender. The table above displays some >neuter nouns ending in अं अकारान्नताः नपुंसकलिङ्गशब्दाः
  • The classification of Masculine, Feminine and Neuter is done purely based on the words formed subject to grammatic rules and does not depend on the person or object the word is referring to.

In this lesson we learned few noun forms (नामपदानि) and the gender associated to them As we move forward we will be learning more nouns and their different declensions and their grammatic significance. Based what we learned in this lesson, it is time to do some exercises.

Practice Exercise

Identify the gender for the nouns given below and rewrite the words using appropriate pronouns अयम्, इयम् or इदम्.


रामः - अयं रामः

  1. राधा
  2. शिवः
  3. कूपः
  4. सरस्वती
  5. देवता
  6. चन्दनम्
  7. तक्षकः
  8. द्विचक्रिका
  9. जलम्
  10. मारजनी


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We move on to learn more Pronouns सर्वनामशब्दाः along with the contexts they are used in the next lesson. Lesson 12: Sanskrit pronouns - सर्वनामशब्दाः

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