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संस्कृतवीथी - सरलं संस्कृतपठनम् !

Entry Level – Module 1 Sanskrit Alphabet - Lesson 12 - Sanskrit Pronouns

प्रावेशिकः स्तरः - प्रथम-विभागः – वर्णमाला - द्वादशः पाठः - सर्वनामशब्दाः

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In the previous lesson we learned three pronoun forms अयम्, इयम and इदम्. We used them to indicate the Gender of a नामपदम् (namapadam). We now introduce few more pronouns सर्वनामशब्दाः and learn the context they are used in. Let us now look at the sentences and the pictures and understand how the सर्वनामशब्दाः are used.

एषः / सः

We are sure you got the idea. एषः is used to indicate an object that is near and perceivable, while सः points to something not perceivable or far off. At the intorductory level we have shown एषः and सः are somewhat close to demonstrative pronouns ‘this’ and ‘that’ in English. The brick wall seen in pictures between 'सः' and the object indicates that the object is not seen. We will be dealing more on pronouns in detail in Module 3 where the ideas will be explained using examples and other technical references. You may also have noticed गजः, सि्हः, छात्रः and अध्यापकः are masculine noun forms पुल्लिङ्गशब्दाः. Let us now check how the pronouns change in the cases of स्त्रीलिङ्गाः and नपुंसकलिङ्गाः शब्दाः.

एषा / सा

एतत् / तत्

Let us now arrange all the pronouns in a table with respective Genders. Click the words to hear them sounded.

एतद् / तद् शब्दरूपाणि.

Gender - लिङ्गम्एतद् (समीपे)तद् (दूरे)किम् (प्रश्ने)
Masculine - पुल्लिङ्गम्एषःसःकः
Feminine - स्त्रीलिङ्गम्एषासाका
Neuter - नपुंसकलिङ्गम्एतत्तत्किम्

  • कः, का and किम् are relative pronouns meaning who or what. Let us look at few examples combining कः, का and किम् with other सर्वनामशब्दाः.

  • Although the masculine pronouns अयम् and एषः both indicate something near, एषः has the connotation of being nearer than अयम्. इयम् ,एषा and इदम्, एतत् are related in a similar way.

In this lesson we learned some commonly used pronouns सर्वनामशब्दाः and what they indicate. Let us now do some practice on सर्वनामशब्दाः. अभ्यासम् करवाम।

रिक्तस्थानानि उचितैः पदैः पूरयन्तु- Please fill in the blanks with suitable words.

उत्तराणि पठित्वा प्रश्नानि लिखन्तु! – Write questions to match the answers given.

उदाहरणम् – Example

______ _______? वैद्यः (समिपे)
उत्तरम् – Answer: एषः कः?
_______ _______? मापिका (दूरे)
उत्तरम् – Answer: सा का?

  1. _____ ______? क्रीडानकम् (समिपे)
  2. ______ ______? द्विचक्रिका (दूरे)
  3. _______ ________? कन्दुकम् (दूरे)
  4. ______ _______? रामः (दूरे)
  5. _______ ________? कलिका (समिपे)
  6. ______ _______? भल्लूकः (समिपे)


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We learned in this lesson the different forms of pronouns एतद्, तद् and किम्. Next lesson equips you with basic Sanskrit vocabulary. Lesson 13: Sanskrit Common Vocabulary – सामान्यशब्दसङ्ग्रहः.

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