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SamskritaVeethy - Easy to Learn Sanskrit Courses!

संस्कृतवीथी - सरलं संस्कृतपठनम् !

Entry Level – Module 1 Sanskrit Alphabet - Lesson 14 - Sanskrit Numerals

प्रावेशिकः स्तरः - प्रथम-विभागः – वर्णमाला - चतुर्दशः पाठः - संस्कृत-संख्यापदानि

We learn about........

Numbers are indispensable in our day to day life. Sanskrit word for Number is सङ्ख्या which has the derived meaning of “one that facilitates counting”. Let us first read a song from the Book “अयनम्” published by Samskrita Bharathi.

The first two words in each line of the above rhyme give the names of the first ten countable numbers. Let us now look at the next chart to learn how the numbers are actually written in Sanskrit.

The written form of numbers (सङ्ख्याः) are given in white letters and the word forms are given below in black. Make yourself familiar with the number forms by writing and saying them. The ten digits are repeated in all number forms.

Let us now look at the chart for numbers from 1 to 100 (एकतः शतपर्यन्तम्).

  • It is interesting to note the numbers are read from right to left. The same pattern is followed in higher numbers as well.

The next chart shows the names of the place values like one, ten, hundred…The exponential form of the number is given in the last column. We can crudely say, the superscript number gives the number of zeros followed by one in the number.

Sanskrit has the tradition of preserving the language and therefore knowledge in oral form. The above place values can be remembered in sloka form as given by Bhaskaracharya, the great mathematician of ancient times.

एकदशशतसहस्रायुधलक्षप्रयुत कोतयः क्रमशः |
अर्बुदमब्जं खर्चनिखर्वमहापद्मशङ्कवस्तस्मात् ||
जलधिश्चान्त्यं मद्यं परार्धमिति दशगुणोत्तराः सङ्ख्याः |
सङ्ख्यायाः स्थानानां व्यवहारार्थं कृताः पूर्वैः || इति|

We will be discussing on similar slokas in our blog posts soon. Confirming to the same tradition the numbers (सङ्ख्याः) are also remembered associating their names to names known objects and persons. The compounds are given in expanded form for the sake of beginners in Sanskrit.

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We learned to write and read Sanskrit Numerals in this lesson. We will be working more on numbers in next modules. We are now all set to learn to tell time in Sanskrit.
Lesson 15: Tell time in Sanskrit- घण्टवादनम्

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