We learn about........ | ||
I pray to you Devi Sarawathi who bestows on her devotees Knowledge and boons. May you give me pure knowledge and be pleased always.
We start the first lesson in this module with prayers to देवी सरस्वती Goddess Saraswathi for clear knowledge. Learners are requested to chant the Sloka along with the prayers to Parvathi and Parameshwara. You can hear the recitation on clicking the above Sloka!!
In Module I we learned about noun forms(नामपदानि) and verb words (क्रिया). This module focuses on learning the case forms of Nouns and some common Verb conjugations. In English different pronouns combine with nouns to indicate Subjective, Objective and Possessive cases. Propositions are generally used as indicators of these functions in Nouns. In contrast Sanskrit Language Noun forms differ in ending as the cases differ. The case endings are called विभक्तिः (Vibhakti).
Each noun has Vibhakti forms relating to 8 functions. In this lesson we learn about the First or Subjective(Nominative) case forms प्रथमा विभक्तिः of some common noun forms. Before we move into the lesson part, let us learn some simple conversational Sanskrit.
Click the link given to watch a video on Spoken Sanskrit. The first two minutes of the video covers an introduction in Hindi. You may skip it and watch the video on class room conversation. Classroom Conversation
Let us pick and list few simple sentences from the video with which we can start conversing in Samskrit.
Conversation Practice - सम्भाषणाभ्यासः |
नमो नमः – Namaste (Greeting) |
सर्वॆषां स्वागतम् – Welcome to all. |
मम नाम ______ - My name is _______. |
भवतः नाम किम्? – Asking a male for his name. |
मवत्याः नाम किम् ? – Asking a female for her name |
Key words to learn - मम भवतः भवती |
Start talking in Samskrit using these simple sentences! Much more fun awaits you in coming lessons.
प्रथमा विभक्तिः First case noun forms are used in three instances.
In this first lesson we learn the use of प्रथमा विभक्तिः as a name reference.
We are familiar with Singular and Plural forms in English. Samskrit nouns has one more form Dual (द्विवचनम्) to name two persons, things, places or ideas.
We have earlier learned Masculine Nouns ending with 'अ' (अकारान्ताः पुल्लिङ्गशब्दाः) in singular form. The pictures below shows how the Noun forms change for dual and Plural Numbers.
It is very much possible, you understood the pattern in the three प्रथमा विभक्तिः forms of अकारान्ताः पुल्लिङ्गशब्दाः. We further elucidate the steps for getting the final form from the base noun form which is called प्रातिपदिकम् in Sanskrit.
Let us now generalize the प्रथमा विभक्तिः forms for अकारान्ताः पुल्लिङ्गशब्दाः with more examples.
अकारान्ताः पुल्लिङ्गशब्दाः - प्रथमा विभक्तिः | ||
एकवचनम् - Singular | द्विवचनम् - Dual | बहुवचनम् - Plural |
बालः One Boy | बालौ Two Boys | बालाः Boys |
छात्रः One Student | छात्रौ Two Students | छात्राः Students |
वृक्षः One Tree | वृक्षौ Two Trees | वृक्षाः Trees |
We now view the picture showing the forms of आकारान्त स्त्रीलिङ्ग शब्दाः and generalize the rules for प्रथमा विभक्तिः forms.
आकारान्ताः स्त्रीलिङ्गशब्दाः - प्रथमा विभक्तिः | ||
एकवचनम् - Singular | द्विवचनम् - Dual | बहुवचनम् - Plural |
माला One Garland | माले Two Garlands | मालाः Garlands |
पेटिका One Box | पेटिके Two Boxes | पेटिकाः Boxes |
ईकारान्ताः स्त्रीलिङ्गशब्दाः - प्रथमा विभक्तिः | ||
एकवचनम् - Singular | द्विवचनम् - Dual | बहुवचनम् - Plural |
नदी One River | नद्यौ Two Rivers | नद्यः Rivers |
घटी One Clock or Watch | घट्यौ Two Watches | घट्यः Clocks |
अकारान्ताः नपुंसकलिङ्गशब्दाः- प्रथमा विभक्तिः | ||
एकवचनम् - Singular | द्विवचनम् - Dual | बहुवचनम् - Plural |
फलम् One Fruit | फले Two Fruits | फलानि Fruits |
पुष्पम् One Flower | पुष्पे Two Flowers | पुष्पाणि Flowers |
विमानम् One Airplane | विमाने Two Airplanes | विमानानि Airplanes |
The video shared explains the use of pronouns तत् and एतत् forms. Remember, we came across these words in Module I where we first learned about noun forms. The pictures shared earlier show the different pronoun forms in conformation with Linga and Vachanam. The subject case forms (नामपदानि in प्रथमा विभक्तिः) are got as answers to questions What and who. Words used to ask the questions also assume forms in tune with the Linga and Vachanam.
We again summarize the details in separate tables.
एतत् - शब्दः (समीपे) प्रथमा विभक्तिः | |||
एकवचनम् | द्विवचनम् | बहुवचनम् | |
पुल्लिङ्गे | एषः | एतौ | एते |
स्त्रीलिङ्गे | एषा | एते | एताः |
नपुंसकलिङ्गे | एतत् | एते | एतानि |
तत् - शब्दः (दूरे) प्रथमा विभक्तिः | |||
एकवचनम् | द्विवचनम् | बहुवचनम् | |
पुल्लिङ्गे | सः | तौ | ते |
स्त्रीलिङ्गे | सा | ते | ताः |
नपुंसकलिङ्गे | तत् | ते | तानि |
किम् - शब्दः (प्रशने) प्रथमा विभक्तिः | |||
एकवचनम् | द्विवचनम् | बहुवचनम् | |
पुल्लिङ्गे | कः | कौ | के |
स्त्रीलिङ्गे | का | के | काः |
नपुंसकलिङ्गे | किम् | के | कानि |
Finally, we compile the प्रथमा-विभक्ति-रूपाणि learned in this lesson.
एकवचनम् | द्विवचनम् | बहुवचनम् | |
पुल्लिङ्गे | बालकः | बालकौ | बालकाः |
स्त्रीलिङ्गे | माला | माले | मालाः |
स्त्रीलिङ्गे | नदी | नद्यौ | नद्यः |
नपुंसकलिङ्गे | फलम् | फले | फलानि |
There are eight विभक्तिः forms depending upon the ending, Linga and Vachanam. All the Sabda Rupas can be accessed through the links given. We suggest you learn all by heart in the course of time.
अकारान्तः पुल्लिङ्गः 'राम' शब्दः
आकारान्तः स्त्रीलिङ्गः ‘रमा’ शब्दः
ईकारान्तः स्त्रीलिङ्गः 'नदी' शब्दः
अकारान्तः नपुंसकलिङ्गः 'फल' शब्दः
We learned quite a lot in this lesson. अभ्यासेन एव ज्ञानं दृढं भवति। Knowledge is strengthened only with practice. Let us do some practice exercise before we conclude this lesson.
राधा (द्विवचनम्)
राधा – आकारान्तः स्त्रीलिङिगः शब्दः
द्विवचनरूपम् – राधे
नद्यौ → एते = एते नद्यौ
कोकिलः | तत् |
अद्यापिके | एतौ |
नेत्रम् | सः |
कलिकाः (स्त्री) | ते |
अश्वौ | एषा |
पत्राणि | ते |
मयूराः (पुल्लिङ्गम्) | सा |
उद्याने (नपुंसकम्) | एतानि |
लता | ताः |
पत्रिका | एते |
We welcome your views and suggestions on this lesson. Please post your comments and replies after registering. Please also send a mail to samskrit@samskritaveethy.com for any clarification on the lesson.
We have started this module with an introduction to Nominative forms. In the next lesson we learn to write simple sentences using प्रथमा विभक्तिः and verb forms of to be (अस् धातु).
Lesson 2: Verb Forms-To be - अस्ति, स्तः, सन्ति
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