We learn about........ | ||
We have so far learned in this module... |
The goal of this lesson is to learn ….. |
Click the heading to view the video. The video gives a good introduction to future tense forms in Samskritam. We will be learning about Future Tense Conjugations in a more detailed way in this lesson. The video also demonstrates the use of Vocative Case (सम्बोधनप्रथमा) which we learned in Lesson 10 of this module.
There are two types of Future conjugations in Samskritam. Simple Future represented by ऌट्-लकारः and Distant Future represented by लुट्-लकारः.
Simple Future tense is also known as First Future in Samskritam. Simple Future form or ऌट्-लकारः is used to indicate the action that is yet to take place. We learn only the Simple Future forms in this module and lesson and these forms are refered as Future Forms.
We can broadly identify four types of patterns in Future forms. We have grouped the dhatus with similar future forms and placed them together in the table. We first match the प्रथमपुरुषः एकवचनम् forms and in लट् (present) and ऌट् (future) groupwise. We then move on to learn the pattern for future forms number wise and person wise. English meanings of ऌट् forms are given in parenthesis. On clicking a future form you can view the future forms for all purusha and vachanas of the dhatu. To Download the list, click here.
प्रथमपुरुषे एकवचने ऌट् रूपाणि (Type I Ending in इष्यति) | |
वर्तमाने | भविष्यत्काले |
भवति (is) | भविष्यति |
गच्छति (Goes) | गमिष्यति |
पठति (Reads) | पठिष्यति |
वदति (Speaks) | वदिष्यति |
क्रीडति (Plays) | क्रीडिष्यति |
चलति (Moves) | चलिष्यति |
लिखति (Writes) | लेखिष्यति |
करोति (Does) | करिष्यति |
हसति (Laughs) | हसिष्यति |
पतति (Falls) | पतिष्यति |
निन्दति (Scolds/Despises) | निन्दिष्यति |
रोदिति (Cries) | रोदिष्यति |
फलति (Gets Success) | फलिष्यति |
स्मरति (Remembers) | स्मरिष्यति |
मिलति (Meets) | मेलिष्यति |
धावति (Runs) | धाविष्यति |
नयति (Carries) | नेष्यति |
शृणोति (Hears) | श्रोष्यति |
प्रथमपुरुषे एकवचने ऌट् रूपाणि (Type II Ending in यिष्यति) | |
प्रेषयति (Sends) | प्रेषयिष्यति |
मार्जयति (Wipes) | मार्जयिष्यति |
चोरयति (Steals) | चोरयिष्यति |
क्षालयति (Washes/Cleans) | क्षालयिष्यति |
प्रथमपुरुषे एकवचने ऌट् रूपाणि (Type III Ending in स्यति) | |
पिबति (Drinks) | पास्यति |
गायति (Sings) | गास्यति |
नमति (Prays/Bows) | नंस्यति |
यच्छति /ददाति (Gives) | दास्यति |
निर्माति (Constructs/Creates) | निर्मास्यति |
जानाति (Knows) | ज्ञास्यती |
उत्तिष्ठति (Rises, Gets up) | उत्थास्यति |
प्रथमपुरुषे एकवचने ऌट् रूपाणि (Type IV Ending in क्ष्यति) | |
पश्यति (Sees) | द्रक्ष्यति |
त्यजति (Quits/Abandons) | त्रक्ष्यति |
पृच्छति (Asks) | प्रक्ष्यति |
शक्नोति (Can) | शक्ष्यति |
सिञ्चति (Sprinkles/Moistens) | सेक्ष्यति |
उपविशति (Sits) | उपवेक्ष्यति |
We now give all ऌट् forms of ‘भू धातुः’. The table given is useful in deriving other forms of a Dhatu if its प्रथमा-एकवचनरूपम् is known.
Future tense forms - ऌट्-लकार-रूपाणि ‘भू धातुः’ | |||
एकवचनम् | द्विवचनम् | बहुवचनम् | |
प्रथमपुरुषः | भविष्यति | भविष्यतः | भविष्यन्ति |
मध्यमपुरुषः | भविष्यसि | भविष्यथः | भविष्यथ |
उत्तमपुरुषः | भविष्यामि | भविष्यावः | भविष्यामः |
प्रथमपुरुषे |
दिनेशः अग्रिममासे नूतनं भवनम क्रेष्यति। (Dinesh will buy a new house next month.) |
तरुणौ श्वः चलचित्रं द्रक्ष्यतः। (The two young men will watch the movie tomorrow.) |
छात्राः अग्रिमसप्ताहे प्रवेशपरीक्षां लेखिष्यन्ति। (Students will write Entrance Exam next week) |
मध्यमपुरुषे |
त्वं राघवं प्रक्ष्यसि। (You will ask Ragahava) |
युवां नर्तिष्यथः। (You two will dance) |
यूयं ग्रामं गमिष्यथ। (You all will go to the village) |
उत्तमपुरुषे |
अहं परश्वः पुस्तकं दास्यामि। (I will give the book day after tomorrow.) |
आवां अग्रिमे वर्षे स्वदेशम् आगमिष्यावः। (Next year we two will come back to our country.) |
वयं क्रीडाङ्गने क्रीडिष्यामः। (We will be playing in the playground.) |
We have so far learned Four Lakharas (चत्वारः लकाराः) namely लट (Present tense), लोट् (imperative Forms), लङ् (Past Forms) and ऌट् (Simple Future forms). We will be dwelling on these more in next module where we will be learning to write complete sentences using all Vibhakthi forms, and different Usages.
Let us now practice on Simple Future forms. ऌट्-रूपाणाम् अभ्यासं कुर्म।
गमिष्यति उत्थास्यसि प्रक्षालयिष्यन्ति फलिष्यन्ति वदिष्यथ विहरिष्यन्ति गास्यामः नेष्यामि प्रक्ष्यामि खादिष्यथः |
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We have so far learned....
I go to Office after eating breakfast.
I take bath and then pray to God.
We can see the play of two actions in the above sentences. How do we write such sentences in Samskritamam? How do we accommodate two actions in a sentence when one follows the other? Our next lesson shows us the way…..
Lesson 17: Word Forms with Suffix क्त्वा/ल्यप् - क्त्वा/ल्यप्-प्रत्ययान्तस्य प्रयोगः
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