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संस्कृतवीथी - सरलं संस्कृतपठनम् !

Entry Level – Module 2 Sanskrit Noun and Verb forms - Lesson 5 - Sanskrit Atmane padi, Ubayapadi Verb Forms

प्रावेशिकः स्तरः - द्वितीय-विभागः – संस्कृत-नामपदानि क्रियापदानि च - पञ्चमः पाठः - आत्मनेपदी उभयपदी - क्रियापरिचयः - लट् लकारः

We learn about........

We learned in lesson 3 of this module, that Samskrit dhatus are classified in three types as parasmeipadi (परस्मैपदी) , Atmanepadi (आत्मनेपदी) and Ubhayapadi (उभयपदी). We got ourselves familiarized with some Parasmeipadi dhatus. We will be learning in detail on Atmanepadi and Ubhayapadi dhatus in the next module. The intend of this lesson is just to make the beginners aware of the two dhatu types other than परस्मैपदी forms.

The first half of the conversation video chosen for this lesson demonstrates the use of some of present tense verb forms we learned in earlier lessons. Most of the verb forms are known to us and the video is also self-explaining. Sentences picked from the video are shown in the table. Classroom Conversation – 3 .

Samskrita Sambashanam – सम्भाषणम् संस्कृतम्

Conversation Practice - सम्भाषणाभ्यासः
एषः/सः/एषा/सा/भवान्/भवती + किं करोति?
रोहितः आगच्छति/गच्छति ।सुनीता पिबति ।
अभिरामः उपविशति/उत्तिष्ठति ।श्रृति खादति ।
अभिषेकः हसति ।स्नेहा पठति ।
वेङ्कटेशः क्रीडति ।सा लिखति ।
अहं गच्छामि/आगच्छामि/उपविशामि/उत्तिष्ठामि/पिबामि/खादामि/क्रीडामि/हसामि/पठामि/लिखामि
Imperative forms (लोट्)
कृपया आगच्छतु – Please come!अत्र उपविशतु – (Please) Sit here!
उत्तिष्ठतु, आगच्छतु, गच्छतु, उपविशतु, पिबतु, खादतु, पठतु, लिखतु, हसतु, पश्यतु, क्रीडतु, ददातु, स्वीकरोतु, नयतु

आत्मनेपदिनः धातवः

अस्तु! You are familiar with these present tense forms of dhatus like गच्छ्, पठ्, गाय् and खाद् etc with Parasmeipadi (परस्मैपदी) endings. Let us now look at some examples of another type.

चन्द्रः शोभते
Moon Shines.
युवत्यौ शोभेते
Two Young women glow.
वालिकाः शोभन्ते
Girls glow.
रामः भाषते
Rama speaks.
वालकौ भाषेते
Two boys speak.
अध्यापकाः भाषन्ते
Teachers speak.
गुरुः क्षमते
Guru forgives/excuses.
तौ क्षमेते
They two forgive.
जनन्यः क्षमन्ते
Mothers forgive.
भवान्/भवति ईक्षते
You (formal) look at.
भवत्यौ ईक्षेते
You two ladies look at.
भवन्तः ईक्षन्ते
You all look at.
त्वं कम्पसे
You tremble.
युवां कम्पेथे
You two tremble.
यूयं कम्पध्वे
You all tremble.
त्वं लज्जसे
You are shy/You blush.
युवां लज्जेथे
You two are shy.
यूयं लज्जध्वे
You are all shy.
अहं वन्दे
I bow and pray.
आवां वन्दावहे
We two bow and pray.
वयं वन्दामहे
We all bow and pray.
अहं मन्ये
I believe.
आवां मन्यावहे
We two believe.
वयं मन्यामहे
We all believe.

From the examples given we can understand dhatus like शोभ्(शुभ्), भाष्, क्षम्, ईक्ष्, कम्प्, लज्ज्(लस्ज्), वन्द् and मन् assume forms different from what we have learned for parasmeipadi dhatus. These dhatus assume Atmanepadi (आत्मनेपदी)forms and are called आत्मनेपदिनः धातवः।

Going through the above examples, we do get a hang for the Atmanepadi endings corresponding to पुरुषः (Person) and वचनम् (Number). आतमनेपदी लट् पुरुषप्रत्ययान्ताः are compiled in the following table. On clicking the title you may view Atmanepadi endings for different tenses and moods (लकाराः).

लटि आत्मनेपदप्रत्ययान्ताः – Atmanepadi Present Tense Endings

उभयपदिनः धातवः

A third category of dhatus assume both Atmanepada Parasmeipada forms. They are known as Ubhayapadi उभयपदी dhatus. कृ धातुः which we are familiar with is one of them. We are familiar its Parasmeipada present tense forms. We can now view both the Parasmeipada and Atmanepada forms of कृ धातुः.

कृ धातुः - परस्मैपदरूपाणि

कृ धातुः - आत्मनेपदरूपाणि

‘पच्’, ‘दा’, ‘दुह्’ are few other examples for उभयपदीनः धातवः। It is sufficient, the learners at this stage of learning know the two different verb forms and are able to identify the forms from the endings. We will be learning more on Atmanepadi Dhatus in later modules.

We hence conclude the lesson with some सरलः अभ्यासः.

Practice Exercise - अभ्यास-प्रश्नानि

  1. Write the present tense Atmanepadi forms for the given Roots in all Vachanams and Purushas – अधो दत्तानां धातूनां लट्-आत्मनेपदरूपाणि सर्वेषु पुरुषेषु वचनेषु च लिखन्तु:
    शोभ् (शुभ्), वन्द्, मन्, पच्, क्षम्, कम्प्


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Lesson 6: Second Case Noun Forms in Sanskrit - द्वितीया विभक्तिः.

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