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संस्कृतवीथी - सरलं संस्कृतपठनम् !

Entry Level – Module 2 – Samskrit Noun and Verb forms

प्रावेशिकः स्तरः - द्वितीय-विभागः – संस्कृत-नामपदानि क्रियापदानि च

We hope you enjoyed working on First module where you learned the Samskrit Alphabet, common words and numbers. Now we enter into the second module where you are introduced to Spoken Samskrit, and also learn to write simple yet complete sentences in Samskrit. This is also the place where Readers who have lost contact with the knowledge can rethink and refresh their knowledge. This module aims at equipping the learners with the ability to write simple yet complete sentences and encourgae them to converse in Sanskrit using simple forms. We reserve the complicated phrases and usages for the next module. The lesson list given below looks really promising.

Happy Sanskrit Learning!! शुभमस्तु!!

Samskrit Noun and Verb forms - संस्कृत-नामपदानि क्रियापदानि च
Lesson-1 First Case Noun Forms in Samskrit - प्रथमा विभक्तिः
Lesson-2Verb Forms-To be - अस्ति, स्तः, सन्ति
Lesson-3Samskrit Parasmaipadi Verb Forms - परस्मैपदी क्रियापरिचयः - लट् लकारः
Lesson-4I and You in Samskrit - अहम् / त्वम्/भवान्/भवती
Lesson-5Samskrit Atmane padi, Ubayapadi Verb Forms - आत्मनेपदी उभयपदी - क्रियापरिचयः - लट् लकारः
Lesson-6Second Case Noun Forms in Samskrit - द्वीतिया विभक्तिः
Lesson-7Special Samskrit Verb Forms -विशेषक्रियापदानि
Lesson-8Causative Verb forms in Samskrit - णिजन्त-क्रीयापदानि
Lesson-9Samskrit Verb Forms Imperative Mood - आज्ञाप्रार्थनादिषु लोट्
Lesson-10Vocatice/Address Case in Samskrit - संबोधन-प्रथमा विभक्तिः
Lesson-11Verb Prefixes in Samskrit - उपसर्गाः
Lesson-12Samskrit Past Participle - क्तवतु-प्रयोगः
Lesson-13Samskrit Past Tense Forms Part - I- भूतकाले लङ् १
Lesson-14Samskrit Past Tense Forms Part - II- भूतकाले लङ् २
Lesson-15Habitual Action in the past - Use of 'स्म' - स्म-प्रयोगः
Lesson-16Samskrit Future Tense Forms - भविष्यत्काले ऌट्
Lesson-17Word Forms with Suffixes क्तवा/ल्यप् - क्तवा/ल्यप्-प्रत्ययान्तस्य प्रयोगः
Lesson-18Word Forms with Suffixes तुमुन् - तुमुन्-प्रयोगः
Lesson-19Third Case Noun Forms in Samskrit - तृतीया विभक्तिः
Lesson-20Fourth Case Noun Forms in Samskrit - चतुर्थी विभक्तिः
Lesson-21Fifth Case Noun Forms in Samskrit - पञ्चमी विभक्तिः
Lesson-22Sixth Case Noun Forms in Samskrit - षष्ठी विभक्तिः
Lesson-23Seventh Case Noun Forms in Samskrit - सप्तमी विभक्तिः
Lesson-24Indeclinables - अव्ययानि
Lesson-25More on Samskrit Number Forms - सङ्ख्या - किञ्चित् अधिकं पठनम्
Lesson-26Samskrit Noun and Verb Forms Revison - नामपदानि-क्रियापदानि-पुनःस्मारणम्
Lesson-27Samskrit Noun and Verb Forms Revision Excercises - पुनस्मारणाभ्यसः

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