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संस्कृतवीथी - सरलं संस्कृतपठनम् !

Entry Level – Module 3 – Sentence building in Samskritam

प्रावेशिकः स्तरः - तृतीय-विभागः – संस्कृत-वाक्यरचना

We have come quite far since we started learning Samskritam from Alphabets. We now have a decent knowledge on नामपदानि and क्रियापदानि, which are used in वाक्यं (Sentence) to express our thoughts. Module 3 Sentence building in Samskritam focuses on the following.

  • We will be learning आत्मनेपदी-क्रियारूपाणि in all the Lakaras we have so far learned. (लट्, लोट्, लङ् and ऌट्). We will be also using Atmanepadi forms along with Parasmeipadi forms in all the lessons in this module.

  • We will be learning the Vibhakti forms of nouns ending in consonants. (हलन्त-शब्दाः).

  • We will be learning the technique of combining two phrases in one sentence using सम्बन्ध-वाचक-अव्ययानि.(यदा....तदा, यथा......तथा and other similar constructions.)

  • This module includes lessons on विधिलिङ्-लकारः to express possibility or necessity of actions. We also learn forms of ऌङ्-लकारः, which is used to express the action that did not take place.

  • We learned active voice forms (कर्तरि-प्रयोगः) of sentences in Module 2. We have lessons to teach Passive voice (कर्मणि-प्रयोगः) and Impersonal voice (भावे-प्रयोगः) constructions.

  • We will be learning word forms obtained by adding some more कृत्-प्रत्ययाः along with the sense they indicate and their roles in वाक्यानि.

  • Each lesson contains a general prose or a story consisting of one or two paragraphs. The practice of analysing the words (पदपरिचयः) in understanding the sentence will be stressed.

अत्र आरभ्य पाठेषु आङ्ग्लभाषायाम् उपयोगः क्रमशः न्यूनि-कृतः भवेत्।
Starting from this module, the use of English in explaining will be reduced gradually. We must try to learn Samskritam through Samskritam at some point of learning.

Happy Sanskrit Learning!! शुभमस्तु!!

Sentence building in Samskritam - संस्कृत-वाक्यरचना
Lesson-1 Present Tense forms of Atmanepadi Dhatus - आत्मनेपदिनः धातवः - लट्लकारः
Lesson-2Halantha Pullinga Shabdas - हलन्ताः पुल्लिङ्गाः शब्दाः
Lesson-3Halantha Sthrilinga Shabdas - हलन्ताः स्त्रीलिङ्गाः शब्दाः
Lesson-4Halantha Napumsakalinga Shabdas - हलन्ताः नपुंसकलिङ्गाः शब्दाः
Lesson-5Paired Avyayas in Samskritam - नित्यसम्बद्धानि अव्ययानि
Lesson-6Adjective forms in Samskritam - विशेषण-विशेष्यभावः
Lesson-7Sarvanama Shabdas in Samskritam - सर्वनामशब्दाः
Lesson-8Indefinite References in Samskritam - चित्-चन-प्रयोगः
Lesson-9Imperative forms of Atmanepadi Dhatus - आत्मनेपदिनः धातवः - लोट्लकारः
Lesson-10Past Tense forms of Atmanepadi Dhatus - आत्मनेपदिनः धातवः - लङ्लकारः
Lesson-11Future Tense forms of Atmanepadi Dhatus - आत्मनेपदिनः धातवः - ऌट्लकारः
Lesson-12Vidhi Ling forms expressing possibility - सम्भावानार्थे विधिलिङ्-लकारः
Lesson-13Vidhi Ling forms expressing order/rule - विध्यर्थे विधिलिङ्-लकारः
Lesson-14Conditional Mood in Samskritam - क्रियायाः अभावे ऌङ्-प्रयोगः
Lesson-15Present Tense Passive voice forms - वर्तमानकाले कर्मणिप्रयोगः
Lesson-16Present Tense Impersonal Voice forms- वर्तमानकाले भावेप्रयोगः
Lesson-17Imperative forms in Passive/Impersonal Voice - लोट्-लकारे कर्मणि/भावेप्रयोगः
Lesson-18Past Tense forms in Passive/Impersonal Voice - लङ्-लकारे कर्मणि/भावेप्रयोगः
Lesson-19Future Tense forms in Passive/Impersonal Voice - ऌङ्-लकारे कर्मणि/भावेप्रयोगः
Lesson-20Vidhi Ling forms in Passive/Impersonal Voice - लिङ्-लकारे कर्मणि/भावेप्रयोगः
Lesson-21Some more Kridantas I - क्त, तव्यत् अनीयर् च प्रत्ययाः
Lesson-22Some more Kridantas II - शतृ शानच् च प्रत्ययौ
Lesson-23Passive/Impersonal Voice with Kridanta - कर्मणि-भावेप्रयोगयोः कृदन्ताः

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